Tuesday 25 September 2012

tell tale poem poetry

Some kanji with UCS (Unicode) and Henshall numbers ; these can be used in the Search at aule-browser.

, 8A00,  274, say ことば

, 544A,  481, revelation, tell, inform, announce

, 53E5,  655, phrase, clause, sentence, passage, paragraph, counter for haiku  俳句 .

, 541F, 1182, versify, singing, recital

, 6587,   68, sentence, literature, style, art, decoration, figures, plan, literary radical (no. 67)

, 8A13,  656, instruction, Japanese character reading, explanation, read

楷, 6977, 2126, square character style, correctness

, 5B57,   28, character, letter, word, section of village

, 7AE0,  318, badge, chapter, composition, poem, design

, 8A60, 1016, recitation, poem, song, composing

, 8A69,  291, poem, poetry

, 8A5E,  879, part of speech, words, poetry

誌, 8A8C,  880, document, records

編, 7DE8,  785, compilation, knit, plait, braid, twist, editing, completed poem, part of a book

賦, 8CE6, 1758, levy, ode, prose, poem, tribute, installment

首, 9996,  139, neck, counter for songs and poems

本, 672C,   70, book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things

帳, 5E33,  347, notebook, account book, album, curtain, veil, net, tent

課, 8AB2,  433, chapter, lesson, section, department, division, counter for chapters (of a book)

, 8A9E,  112, word, speech, language

辞, 8F9E,  500, resign, word, term, expression

式, 5F0F,  295, style, ceremony, rite, function, method, system, form, expression

識, 8B58,  698, discriminating, know, write

軸, 8EF8, 1330, axis, pivot, stem, stalk, counter for book scrolls

行, 884C,  118, going, journey  詩の行 line of a poem

久, 4E45,  647, long time, old story

話, 8A71,  221, tale, talk  ·  compare http://www.unicode.org/cgi-bin/GetUnihanData.pl?codepoint=8BDD

記, 8A18,   95, scribe, account, narrative

修, 4FEE,  704, discipline, conduct oneself well, study, master

線, 7DDA,  329, line, track

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