Wednesday 3 September 2014

Unicode sorted kanji Conning Halpern

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

Unicode-sorted kanji of Conning KLC with Halpern KLD id

This is my new Curl applet with a Unicode-sort version of the Conning and Halpern kanji with Kodansha KLC mapped to Kodansha KLD :

The RichText edit widget is a scratch work pad for building sets of kanji to review on any given day.


KanjiRecog said...

not a DB ; still simple Curl markup ; as declarative as HTML but readable ! ( actually, with macros, far more so ! )

sample data:

{krow "0572","0862",{on-yomi-only 旋}}

#DeclarativeProgramming #ExpressionBasedProgramming #MultiParadigmLanguage #Curl #kanji #OnYomi #Unicode

KanjiRecog said...

Yes, I could have loaded JSON, but why go the trouble ? If needed, this data-as-code converts to JSON in a snap.

KanjiRecog said...

{on-yomi-only X} is a macro that gives us the red characters for those kanji with no kun-yomi.