Friday, 14 September 2012

edict2 contents 1

Part 1 of the Concise Dictionary of Japanese Kanji Words and Expressions (CDJKWE ?) now has a visual contents section which can be searched and will form the CharClass for this segment for the search algorithm.

Here is a screenshot:

Thursday, 13 September 2012

font preferences

Work on the dictionary must stop in order to add Preferences so that users can set a font size preference.

A Japanese font can be problematic at, say 20pt, but very clear at 24pt depending on such things as TrueType settings.

I am getting good results using the free HanaMinA font from the Hanazono Project.

Preferences will be based on CSPD (client-side persistent data) - but I may offer browser cookies as an option ... ah, feature-creep, where would we get to without you ?

Concise Kanji Word Dictionary

Part 2 has arrived at !

Part 2 of the Concise Edict2 Dictionary of Japanese Kanji Words and Expressions covers 380+ kanji and has 13,700+ entries.

Here is a screenshot: