Wednesday, 19 December 2012

bushu ninben jōyō kanji 部首,ぶしゅ,ブシュ,漢字

部首 (ぶしゅ) bushu (ブシュ) ninben jōyō kanji

A Curl applet requiring the Curl Surge RTE browser plugin from

Tip : scroll to bottom of window then each up arrow should reveal a new row

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Three-kanji expressions

Language layers : that approach will get you nowhere / you will gain nothing that way

無作法な   coarse, imprudent  busahō

無 作 法  "nothing harvest method"  mu/bu  saku  hō

(my selective gleanings for the kanji )

Alt. dict. entry: ill-mannered, rude

[ Expressions formed of 3 kanji ]