Showing posts with label jōyō kanji. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jōyō kanji. Show all posts

Saturday 12 December 2015

Henshall index errata

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

I am finding some errors in my edition of Henshall.

Please send a note if these errata are of interest to you.

Monday 4 August 2014

Do you recognize all these kanji from self/snake to ???

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

These are jōyō kanji considered to have the same radical :

Can you print this and put katakana to them for ON-yomi and hiragana for kun-yomi ? And a mnemonic ? But in addition to these, 2140 in the 2.5K newspaper kanji is

Friday 27 June 2014

Henshall ON-yomi-ONLY kanji

I have placed 2 CSV files on the site.

One has 366 Kanji from the Henshall 1946 kanji : these 366 only have an ON-yomi given in kanjidic2 from and are listed with their Henshall index, UNICODE value, ON-yomi and meanings.

There is the one oddity : for 'fence' which is given as kokuji but has no kun-yomi.

There is a separate file with the few kokuji with ONLY a kun-yomi that are are found in Henshall according to kanjidic2.

I will do a spot check on these as I have my edition of Henshall indexed for these.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

TEI Japanese HTML character encoding

Is there any longer a good reason for funded text initiatives on the web NOT to be UTF-8 Unicode ?

TEI at has a Japanese poetry page with a click-driven "swiping frames" metaphor - one of which is a view showing the kanji for haiku, waka or tanka in the char-encoding CHARSET=x-euc-jp 

Oi vey!

CHARSET=x-euc-jp ?!? No, not HTML from a server in Kyoto. The server is in VA. In collaboration with academics in PA.

There is an  anti-pattern  documented for this IT phenomenon in projects within organizations exempt from accountability and competitive pressure or managerial consequences ( and perhaps 2 or more anti-patterns specific to this web design and its survival on this academic web site.)

Ah, the peaceful, never over-loaded servers of  e-text  initiatives in academe ! Concurrent user load ? Not a worry.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Tuesday 12 February 2013

shades of Unicode

  9B3C  1128  ghost  ·  devil · %e9%ac%bc
  9B42  1280  soul  ·  spirit · %e9%ad%82
  9B45  1839  fascination  ·  charm, bewitch · %e9%ad%85
  9B54  1832  witch  ·  demon, evil spirit · %e9%ad%94

The above Japanese kanji are readily seen by viewing basic kanji in UCS code order - as in our Henshall page of kanji sorted by Unicode value.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

bushu ninben jōyō kanji 部首,ぶしゅ,ブシュ,漢字

部首 (ぶしゅ) bushu (ブシュ) ninben jōyō kanji

A Curl applet requiring the Curl Surge RTE browser plugin from

Tip : scroll to bottom of window then each up arrow should reveal a new row

Sunday 9 September 2012

compress order

I have corrected the edict2 HTML+Curl web page with a compress order for resizing which still permits up to six characters to be viewed in the entry field.  Here is a half-width example :

The caption to the left of the field is compressed, but the essentials remain intact. Here is the same page after a few taps on CTRL-minus to adjust the HTML portion :

Personally, I like this result.

joyo files

I have added indexing to the HTML+Curl page for edict2 kanji when selecting a JOYO kanji at the HTML+Curl home for the Plain HTML pages for viewing the edict2 Japanese-English dictionary. The first widget is in file order (1 to 9), the second in UCS order and the third is yet to be modified (frequent kanji.)

Here is a screenshot:

Select the page by clicking on the HTML+Curl link if you have the Surge RTE browser plugin installed (available at ).

It still requires a tweak when viewed on a small screen.  That should not an issue when generated as an Android or iOS app using Curl's CAEDE framework.

Saturday 8 September 2012

file walker

The spin control now walks the 9 files in order as the sort imposed by the SpinControl is defeated by using a format spec to take the spin values as indices into a jōyō char array.

You can now go through about 200 characters before another file loads.

The font sizes have also been revised up for the spin control and the character entry field. But still only Beta 9.0.9 as a few quirks remain in the search algorithm for double-kanji expressions.

This Curl web content page displays the edict2 Japanese-English kanji dictionary by traversing 9 files using light-weight objectsand no database. It requires the Surge RTE browser plugin from

kanji SpinControl

I have added two kanji Spin widgets or SpinControl's at the HTML+Curl edict2 Japanese-English dictionary views page.

You can see them at the top in this screenprint:

The first spinner is for the jōyō kanji and the second holds the kanjidic2 kanji with a "frequency" value. The latter can be seen in the Curl app at

Some of these pages will soon appear as Android and iOS app's thanks to the Curl CAEDE project.

joyo SpinControl

I have added a spin control with the jōyō kanji (upper-left to the right of the entry field.)

In a later version I will make this an option in the Preferences for users not working on their jōyō kanji.