Showing posts with label denshi jisho. Show all posts
Showing posts with label denshi jisho. Show all posts

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Problematic non-KLC kanji in Basho's journal oku no hosomichi

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

These 53 kanji in Bashō's journal Oku no hosomichi are not found in the KLC* book, but can be found in other Bashou haiku. Below is a list : a kanji with fnnnn has a freq <= 2500/2500 in newspapers, or I have given a Heisig index from Remembering The Kanji or the SKIP code(s) found at on the web.

You will see below that nine (9) of the kanji only have a SKIP code : they will be problematic of a someone learning using Conning's KLC and Halpern's KLD even with a web resource.

Those are : 侘 俤 啼 壺 艸 虱 蜘 袂 鞋也云伽侘俤兎叡哉啄啼壺夷嶽幟廟廻摺曾朧柏

也 f1404

云  Hg2102

伽 f2323

侘 1-2-6

俤 1-2-7

兎 Hg2093

叡 Hg2905 1-14-2

哉 Hg2704  かな  や  サイ      3-6-3 4-9-4

啄 f2463

啼 1-3-9

壺 2-3-9

夷 f2324

嶽 f2135

幟 Hg2233 1-3-12

廟 Hg2239

廻 Hg2886

摺 Hg 2258

曾 2-2-10

朧 1-4-16

柏 f1606樫橡燈琵琶硯穿竃笈篠簾肴臥艸芦芭苔茄萩蓑

樫 f2297

橡 1-4-12

燈 f2456

琵 f1965

琶 f1966

硯 f2500

穿 2-3-7 2-3-6

竃 Hg2617

笈 Hg2644

篠 F1556

簾 Hg2630

肴 Hg2896

臥 Hg2909

艸 1-3-3

芦 f1733

芭 f2026

苔 Hg2356

茄 Hg2372

萩 Hg1544

蓑 Hg2354蕉虱蚤蛤蜘蝉袂雉鞋鞍鴈鴬龍

蕉 f2033

虱 2-2-6

蚤 Hg2681

蛤 Hg2695

蜘 1-6-8

蝉 Hg2692

袂 1-5-4

雉 Hg2584

鞋 1-9-6

鞍 Hg2782

鴈 f2128

鴬 Hg2907

龍 f1734

per Denshi Jisho with 'f' value as n/2500 MFNK as freq in news, otherwise Hg value = Heisig index, else stroke-order SKIP code(s).

* KLC or Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course, Andrew Scott Conning, 2013

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

KLC kanji without classic haiku poets for a mnemonic context

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

There remain 691 KLC* kanji needing a literary mnemonic context even after Shiki, Issa, Merwin's Buson and Basho have been scanned.

As I am seeing rapidly diminishing returns, contemporary tanka may not help : but I will try some recent short stories and novella.

Here is the set :


One example is this :

KLC 931,,purport (gist) which is Henshall 1312 or Heisig 455 or Kodansha Essential 232 and is a 2-2-4 SKIP code in Halpern or Tuttle 1077 (according to Denshi Jisho on-line.)

* Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course, 2013

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Wakan tool kanji tip

So I have copied a Japanese web page to my computer clipboard memory and now I have them displayed in Wakan using the "Character" menu choice for the clipboard content.  How do I now get a copy of any one of those unique and sorted kanji for a text search elsewhere ?

TIP : I display the UNICODE on the Wakan character details so I copy that 4-hex value and enter it into a CTRL-f search at and very often get a hit and just copy that kanji from its row.

My next stop now that I have the kanji is often

Why not just go to jisho and search by Unicode ? Because if I must do several kanji, I find that having the web page linked above open in a browser tab is simply faster - most often ... and the Henshall number is in plain view.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

jisho kanji radicals

Here is an image of the kanji radicals at

You can see the image here and use their excellent app here.

Monday, 8 October 2012

winter bushu

This bushu page is well-suited to the Perapera plugin for Firefox, Pale Moon and such mozilla browsers.

冬 \u51AC, Henshall 182, winter

5902, winter radical (bushu no. 34)
夊 590A, winter variant radical (bushu no. 34)

Kanji by stroke-count with jōyō in red from the denshi jisho page:

 5 処 冬
 7 抜 条 麦
 8 拠 苳 咎
 9 柊 洛 俊 変 客 後 恪 挌 茖 咯 狢
10 峯 峻 逢 凌 唆 峰 降 格 夏 倏 悛 珞 浚 疼 烙
11 菱 崚 悠 隆 陵 務 略 終 麥 麪 畧 烽 掖 梭 麸 逡 處
12 竣 絡 復 落 皴 喀 厦 麭 愎
13 蓬 稜 酪 蜂 賂 腹 愛 路 数 輅 椶 廈 絳 貉 絛 嗄
14 榎 綾 髪 閣 酸 複 夐 蔆 嶐
15 鋒 撒 慶 履 憂 稷 麩 蝮 麹 禝
16 蕗 縫 麺 薐 鮗 薮 駱 輹 窿 徼 骼
17 駿 徽 曖 優 擱 篷 總 謖 聰 螽
18 覆 額 馥 瞹 瓊 擾 鼕
19 霧 警
20 鰒
24 鷺
25 靉

Sunday, 7 October 2012

mahou bushu

The radical select page for viewing kanji by bushu has proven more useful than I expected.

The 214 bushu page found at is also useful, but rather different.  For example, at I am able to treat take (bamboo) as a radical.

There is a terrific bushu page at denshi jisho which also allows multiple component radicals to be selected when looking for kanji. Once you have a set of results, you can click on each or mouse-over (if you have the Perapera dictionary plugin enabled - or a similar add-on.)