Showing posts with label Caede mobile app framework. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caede mobile app framework. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 September 2012

kanjidic2 spinner

I have added a page with 12,300+ Japanese Kanji from kanjidic2 loaded into a spin control.

You can see the widget between the text field and the definitions button in this screenshot:

Logic to link the file to open for that character should follow in due course.

In the image you are seeing the characters in a free Hanazono font called HanaMinA.

kanji SpinControl

I have added two kanji Spin widgets or SpinControl's at the HTML+Curl edict2 Japanese-English dictionary views page.

You can see them at the top in this screenprint:

The first spinner is for the jōyō kanji and the second holds the kanjidic2 kanji with a "frequency" value. The latter can be seen in the Curl app at

Some of these pages will soon appear as Android and iOS app's thanks to the Curl CAEDE project.