Monday, 17 February 2014

bashou dream kanji


the eye, there in the grasses, and under the earth, night, as if a dark field

when in a one moment, a change

and then only the sound of the wind through the trees ...

幻 朧 闇 鬱 欝





jisho HO - is a fire starting ?

As fine a kanji tool as is, it does have subtle flaws.  Take

カ /  ひ· -び· ほ-
Henshall 8

火星     かせい     Mars (planet)

火        ひ     fire; flame; blaze

口火        くちび     fuse; spark plug; cause (of war); origin (of a quarrel)

BUT - no common word begins ほ- and has a kanji that starts with FIRE.

And some few uncommon words ( e.g., for tongs (i.e., the tool) ) begin KO !

It is enough to KAuse you Hee-Bee-JI-bee's ... or did I miss one in the 15 pages of 377 words beginning with ほ ?  But I only want to see jukugo !

So there is a place for smart app's that use kanjidic2 or jmdict ...

Saturday, 15 February 2014

ON-yomi SEKI and SHAKU

These 4 of the 20 common ON-yomi SEKI kanji are also SHAKU kanji :

石     stone;       いし    コク    シャク    セキ      

赤     red;       あか    あか-    あか.い    あか.らむ    あか.らめる    シャク    セキ       

昔     antiquity;   old times;   once upon a time;       シャク    セキ    むかし            

釈     explanation;       シャク    す.てる    セキ    とく    ゆる.す       

 per kanjidic2 there are only 9 common kanji with ON-yomi of シャク - and only 8 have a newspaper frequency < 2500 ( SHAKU itself is an ON-yomi-ONLY kanji.)

20 most common newspaper kanji

1  日  day, sun, Japan, counter for days  ニチ  ひ
2  一  one, one radical (no.1)  イチ  ひと-
3  国  country  コク  くに
4  会  meeting, meet, party, association, interview, join  カイ  あ.う
5  人  person  ジン  ひと
6  年  year, counter for years  ネン  とし
7  大  large, big  ダイ  おお-
8  十  ten  ジュウ  とお
9  二  two, two radical (no.2)  ニ  ふた
10  本  book, present, main, origin, true, real, cntr (long cylindrical items)  ホン  もと
11  中  in, inside, middle, mean, center  チュウ  なか
12  長  long, leader  チョウ  なが.い
13  出  exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude  シュツ  で.る
14  三  three  サン  み
15  同  same, agree, equal  ドウ  おな.じ
16  時  time, hour  ジ  とき
17  政  politics, government  セイ  まつりごと
18  事  matter, thing, fact, business, reason, possibly  ジ  こと
19  自  oneself  ジ  みずか.ら
20  行  going, journey  コウ  い.く
per kanjidic2 e-dict

Thursday, 13 February 2014

え essential ON-yomi イ

え as an essential ON-yomi イ


    絵     ON-yomi   エ、 カイ     ON-yomi ONLY 
    会     ON-yomi   カイ、エ     kun-yomi     あう
    依     ON-yomi   イ、エ        kun-yomi     よる
    恵     ON-yomi   ケイ、エ     kun-yomi     めぐむ、めぐまれる

see also :

Monday, 10 February 2014

dawn in early hokku or haikai

In my working wiki web collection of 980 Bashō haiku, I can only find one of today's nine single kanji for "dawn" —  旦 旴 昉 昕 倝 晗 暁 曉 曙  — and that kanji − is there only once as such, and then once transliterated with the "akarui" kanji to form the kana expression "akebono" as in "akeru" (明ける.)

Were these kanji eschewed as being those of more formal Chinese poetry ?

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