漢字 · かんじ
Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog PagesWhat to do with old-style kanji flashcards that use roumaji instead of kana ?
Well, I cut their corners !
Taking off the lower-right corner of the card with one small snip means ON-yomi ONLY.
The loss of the upper-right corner means more than one sound comprises some one pronunciation.
The upper-left corner means more than one pronunciation.
If you use the lower-left for kokuji that may not give you many such cards, but they will be easy to find in any deck of cards.
If you use the lower-left for kokuji that may not give you many such cards, but they will be easy to find in any deck of cards.
I think the lower-left might be used with the right-side corners to flag cards that are for kanji with single but long sounds. What do you think ?
Make a few cards with cardstock or poster board or bristol board and see what you think of a deck of 20 cards in your pocket.
Make a few cards with cardstock or poster board or bristol board and see what you think of a deck of 20 cards in your pocket.
For a history of such cards, see the early days of information storage in government and business !