Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Shiki spring kigo haiku 1899

Here is a snapshot of the Curl web browser applet with Shiki’s spring 春 はる〕kigo haiku from 1899 in UTF-8 char-encoding.

Above you see the kigo index to the left and the pop-up menu to copy characters which can then be sought using CTRL-f and the Find menu.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

350 Shiki 冬 kigo haiku of 1897

Here is a screen shot of 350 Shiki winter kigo ( 冬 〔ふゆ〕fuyu ) haiku in an MIT Curl browser applet using Curl Surge RTE plugin and Curl as both markup and scripting language.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Shiki summer kigo haiku 1897 in utf-8

Here is a screenshot of today's Curl applet : 335 summer kigo haiku from 1897 by Masaoka Shiki rendered in utf-8, indexed by kigo,  in Curl web content markup ; this instance is Pale Moon browser with HanaMinA font at 24pt

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Shiki winter kigo haiku 1896

Here is a screenshot of the Curl applet with the Masaoka Shiki winter kigo haiku from 1896 in utf-8 character encoding (Unicode.)

Some 500 haiku converted from SH-JIS encoding and indexed in a Curl browser applet.

TEI Japanese HTML character encoding

Is there any longer a good reason for funded text initiatives on the web NOT to be UTF-8 Unicode ?

TEI at http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/japanese/hyakunin/frames/index/hyaku3euc.html#euc2 has a Japanese poetry page with a click-driven "swiping frames" metaphor - one of which is a view showing the kanji for haiku, waka or tanka in the char-encoding CHARSET=x-euc-jp 

Oi vey!

CHARSET=x-euc-jp ?!? No, not HTML from a server in Kyoto. The server is in VA. In collaboration with academics in PA.

There is an  anti-pattern  documented for this IT phenomenon in projects within organizations exempt from accountability and competitive pressure or managerial consequences ( and perhaps 2 or more anti-patterns specific to this web design and its survival on this academic web site.)

Ah, the peaceful, never over-loaded servers of  e-text  initiatives in academe ! Concurrent user load ? Not a worry.

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Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Monday, 22 July 2013

Masaoka Shiki summer kigo haiku 1896

Here is a screenshot of my Curl applet with over one thousand summer kigo (季語)  haiku {俳句} of Japanese poet Masaoka Shiki正岡 子規 ) from the year 1896, early in his mature period.

The applet has a scrolling tree kigo index, FIND and COPY. The applet in intended as an aid for recognizing kanji through reading haiku.

All kanji habe been converted from SH-JIS to utf-8.