Wednesday 18 September 2013

kanji pairs study tip #1

Here is a kanji pairs study tip.

When pairing-up two kanji to form a mnemonic, take note of which of them tends to be in kanji compounds more often first and which more often last.

You may be surprised by what you discover about vocabulary that you want to retain.

And now you see something else that makes that pair natural to you in the order A - B rather than B - A.

Here is one of my examples :

 観 ・ 験 

And these happen to Tuttle flashcards 634 and 635.

Btw, look what you find at観験kangen !

It was just a case of 直観 ?


KanjiRecog said...

For 験 the difference in positioning is an order of magnitude : so first observing and then … 験し (from the few exceptions.)

KanjiRecog said...

For 観 the difference is about double the number of instances where it will be first rather than last.