Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Tangorin Frequent 500 kanji

At the KanjiAule I have placed an alternate HTML page of random output of top 500 kanji from tangorin. I have reverted to pre-HTML5 and fixed some HTML validation errors.

Here is a snap :
Here is an alternate order page.
I have added a version with only the ON and Kun readings (no translations) for recalling mnemonics without interference.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

101 to 200 frequent kanji

The following maps frequent newspaper kanji against those in Les 500 Kanji (with the addition of Unicode values.)

freq 101 - 200
Values of R000 above ( a total of 26 ) indicate that the kanji was not found in the book Les 500 Kanji.  One should note that a Japanese newspaper is more likely to have mention of politics and military matters than an introductory reader.

kanji over the moon

The 100+ Basho haiku mentioning "moon" involve only 376 kanji - and only 45 of those are not in top 3k+ so some reading can be done with a command of only about 500 kanji  — if the compound kanji words formed with some of those 376 are not too obscure or place names ( checked using the Wakan clipboard tool and one of my Basho CURL web pages which also give the poems in hiragana and romaji text. )

The first 8 of the haiku on the "moon" page at involve 36 kanji of which only 1 is not "common" in Japanese newspapers : "snoring" !