Monday, 4 August 2014

54 frequent 'newspaper kanji' found in Oku no hosomichi but not in KLC

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

The kanji from my prior post are given here with their frequency in newspapers per 2,500 as reported by from the edrg project:

也 1404
伽 2323
凌 2423
叢 2436
啄 2463
夷 2324
峯 2079
嶋 1633
嶽 2135
幡 1948
庄 1693
廟 2101
惣 2211
敦 1695
朔 2318
杭 2329
柏 1606
桧 2056
樋 1814
樫 2297
毅 1770
洛 2302
浙 2408
湊 2222
燈 2456
琵 1965
琶 1966
瑞 1873
硯 2500
碧 2455
礒 2344
禄 2126
竪 2370
笹 1743
篠 1556
篭 2237
翠 2200
耀 2253
芦 1733
芭 2026
苫 2028
菅 1562
菩 2086
萩 1544
萬 2125
萱 2217
蕉 2033
薩 1984
輔 1898
逗 2027
隈 2311
鞍 2214
鴈 2128
龍 1734

This is not intended as any criticism of Conning's 2013 Kanji Learner's Course : his 2,300 kanji should be viewed as a selection from the larger 2nd ed. of  Halpern's Kanji Learner's Dictionary. But it is a good indication that something on the order of 3 to even 5 thousand kanji are needed to read literary Japanese with 3000 a likely minimum for literacy beyond the daily news.

ONH kanji not KLC in MFNK

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

These 54 kanji found in Bashō's 奥の細道 or Oku no hosomichi [ONH] are not found in KLC* but can be found in the 2,500 MFNK or "most frequent newspaper kanji" used by, edrg and others.  The new Halpern KLD 2nd ed uses a set of 3,000 but on the web perhaps these can be found more readily as the K2500 :


* KLC Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course, Andrew Scott Conning, 2013

Do you recognize all these kanji from self/snake to ???

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

These are jōyō kanji considered to have the same radical :

Can you print this and put katakana to them for ON-yomi and hiragana for kun-yomi ? And a mnemonic ? But in addition to these, 2140 in the 2.5K newspaper kanji is