Wednesday, 31 October 2012

joy rejoice interest

'fun' is a word that does not always translate readily ... is it fun to make a page in HTML that may run on most any device landscape or portrait, large or mini ? is one such effort.

If it does not behave in some mode on your device, please let us know at infoATaule-browserDOTcom

and and, well, see for yourself below:

Thursday, 25 October 2012

kanjidic2 Japanese

I have revised my snapshot of the kanji with a Japanese reading in kanjidic2 as you can see at

This will result in some changes in other plain HTML kanji pages and in several Curl web and desktop app's as well. The present list is 12,335 characters extracted from the XML – IFF they have at least one ON- or KUN-reading.

The error arose from a missing character in some pages and edict2 app's. This is not as common a character as the top 3,000 or so - but it is in the English wiktionary at暝#Japanese.

Monday, 22 October 2012

kanji urlencoded

In the aule-browser Henshall kanji app, I have added the UTF-8 as you would see it in an urlencoded string :

App with ON-YOMI kun-yomi

At there is an improved app for the Henshall kanji (the original 1,945.)

This Japanese kanji study application is Curl software which runs in the browser and so requires the Curl plugin called the Surge RTE from

Here is a snapshot (you can see the new row for ON-YOMI and kun-yomi.)

Send any suggestions or issues to

Henshall CSV

I have uploaded a CSV file (comma-separated) with the 1,945 kanji from the Henshall mnemonics book.

The file includes up to 12 meanings and the ON-YOMI and kun-yomi readings.

It can be downloaded safely here:

Note that the file has a 3-row header which you may wish to discard and replace with your own column names. 

Sunday, 14 October 2012

bug or feature ?

Three pages of kanji definitions have the first meaning repeated, but the second lost.

三 4E09, 23, three, three ; %e4%b8%89
上 4E0A, 37, above, above, up ; %e4%b8%8a
下 4E0B, 7, below, below, down, descend, give, low, inferior ; %e4%b8%8b
不 4E0D, 572, negative, negative, non-, bad, ugly, clumsy ; %e4%b8%8d
Yet somehow the first meaning is more eye-catching for me. An unintended feature ?
Error in HTML generation script after XML parse of kanjidic2

Thursday, 11 October 2012

kanji by UCS

Here are some the the first, basic Japanese kanji sorted by their UCS value (UTF-16 codepoint)

一  丁  七  万  丈  三  上  下  不  与  世  丘  丙  両  並  中  丸  丹  主  久  乏  乗  乙  九  乱  乳  乾  事  二  亜  享  京  亭  人  仁  今

Is a particular pattern evident or helpful ?

I am in the process of adding a UCS - to- kanji -to- urlencoded - utf-8 page over at which uses the Curl web content language (only a few lines of declarative script and a wee bit of procedural script required.)

UPDATE : that page with the HTML urlencoding for each character is at .

A simpler plain HTML page is .

Another safe, plain HTML page with no scripts, images, ads or other nuisance has the 1,945 Hernshall basic Japanese kanji sorted as they appear in the book - by their so-called Henshall number - is at

By viewing the page source in your browser you can see that there are no script or image elements to worry about - so you can safely copy this HTML text to your local machine to edit as you see fit.

The HTML text was generating using a Curl applet running off-line and parsing the Kanjidic2 XML.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

thread and short thread bushu

Here is a small JPG from a Curl web content page based on results at denshi jisho :

I have web pages with both the Curl and an HTML version - the latter suited to translation plugins such as Perapera for the Firefox browser.

The original BMP at 1280x900 with 24pt font is quite legible. This 'calendar' night carry through the weeks of winter embroidery :

Monday, 8 October 2012

winter bushu

This bushu page is well-suited to the Perapera plugin for Firefox, Pale Moon and such mozilla browsers.

冬 \u51AC, Henshall 182, winter

5902, winter radical (bushu no. 34)
夊 590A, winter variant radical (bushu no. 34)

Kanji by stroke-count with jōyō in red from the denshi jisho page:

 5 処 冬
 7 抜 条 麦
 8 拠 苳 咎
 9 柊 洛 俊 変 客 後 恪 挌 茖 咯 狢
10 峯 峻 逢 凌 唆 峰 降 格 夏 倏 悛 珞 浚 疼 烙
11 菱 崚 悠 隆 陵 務 略 終 麥 麪 畧 烽 掖 梭 麸 逡 處
12 竣 絡 復 落 皴 喀 厦 麭 愎
13 蓬 稜 酪 蜂 賂 腹 愛 路 数 輅 椶 廈 絳 貉 絛 嗄
14 榎 綾 髪 閣 酸 複 夐 蔆 嶐
15 鋒 撒 慶 履 憂 稷 麩 蝮 麹 禝
16 蕗 縫 麺 薐 鮗 薮 駱 輹 窿 徼 骼
17 駿 徽 曖 優 擱 篷 總 謖 聰 螽
18 覆 額 馥 瞹 瓊 擾 鼕
19 霧 警
20 鰒
24 鷺
25 靉

Sunday, 7 October 2012

kanji walkabout

Here is a screenshot as the kanji mnemonics 'Mansion' applet begins to take shape in the Pale Moon 64-bit browser : jpg image-only.

The kanji to either side are Label objects on ReactiveLabel objects so that a click will give you access to information - can you see at a glance which match our mnemonic panels ?

Using the interior of architecture is the classic approach since at least the Greeks and Romans - but for that we may have to wait for Google Interiors. I may be able to get permission to do a set in the interior of Government House - those might be a rather 'honorific' set of characters.

If you are not comfortable with the URL to a JPG, here is a smaller version:

And here is the applet during testing of re-sizing  constraints:

mahou bushu

The radical select page for viewing kanji by bushu has proven more useful than I expected.

The 214 bushu page found at is also useful, but rather different.  For example, at I am able to treat take (bamboo) as a radical.

There is a terrific bushu page at denshi jisho which also allows multiple component radicals to be selected when looking for kanji. Once you have a set of results, you can click on each or mouse-over (if you have the Perapera dictionary plugin enabled - or a similar add-on.)

Thursday, 4 October 2012

JLPT Study

I have added a link to post-2010 JLPT materials today - it has options for kanji, grammar and more under its Lists item on its left-side panel.

That link is near the bottom of my kanji page in the compounds section as an "alternate" link.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

gold shell chain (small)

has a possible image for mnemonic mansion or palace at an crafts page :

u9396, Henshall 1286, Kanjidic2 : chain, irons, connection | SA | kusari

Kanji photo :

Alternate image: