Monday, 22 September 2014

Do you know a cleaner waka markdown ?

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

Is there a cleaner waka markdown than this ?
|| Shikishi naishinnou

|| しょくし / しきし (のりこ)  ないしんのう

|| 式子内親王

{waka しづかなる暁ごとに見渡せばまだ深き夜の夢ぞかなしき }

{waka 今はわれ松の柱の杉の庵に閉づべきものを苔深き袖 }

. . . 

Now generate AsciiDoc or DocBook or pandoc markdown or MMD MultiMarkdown or EPUB3 or PDF or ... by embedding this SCURL file in a CURL, DCURL or xcurl using the include macro or a package.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

KANJI on your six !!

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Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

The US Air Force says what ?!?

0311  1694   
0312  2435    
0313  0724  
0314  0745    
0315  2942    
0316  0821    

red and bold : ON-yomi-ONLY in Conning's KLC ( Kodansha, 2013 )

Helen Gilhooly Easy Introduction kanji and kana lexicon for Teach Yourself Beginner Japanese

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Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

The old rōmaji “Beginner Japanese” book by Helen Gilhooly in the “Teach Yourself” series has no kana or kanji index for its 20 chapters.

Here are the basic kanji with the kana (hiragana and katakana) for her topics within those chapters:
初め に
and I offer for free —

What kind of bundle ?

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

The Conning* sequence

0307  2978 
0308  2501 
0309  1591 
0310  1606 

is just excellent as a mnemonic, don't you think ? 

Click a kanji for more info ( the second column is the new Halpern number from KLD 2013.)

* Andrew Scott Conning Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course, 2013 aka KLC or KKLC.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Conning KLC kanji but Halpern KLD sort order

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

This shows the 3rd alternative app : Conning KLC kanji in the Halpern KLD sort order ( but the KLC
2,300 do not ALL map to Halpern 3,002 )

The starboard widget is a RichText scratch pad.

Unicode sorted kanji Conning Halpern

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

Unicode-sorted kanji of Conning KLC with Halpern KLD id

This is my new Curl applet with a Unicode-sort version of the Conning and Halpern kanji with Kodansha KLC mapped to Kodansha KLD :

The RichText edit widget is a scratch work pad for building sets of kanji to review on any given day.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Sam Hamill's page 44 translation of a tanka by Yosano Akiko

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Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

Japanese Kanji Recognition Mnemonics through poetry : KanjiRecog

Recognize and recall kanji read in Japanese poetry 

The original Japanese poem for the tanka on page 44 of Sam Hamill's "River of Stars" volume of Yosano Akiko poetry translations is


taking こころみ as 試み

New kanji might be lips, cold water, lotus and dew.

唇 冷 蓮 露

1847   2385    唇
0675   0061    冷
0585   2047    蓮
1907   2454    露

KKLC Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course, 2013, Andrew Scott Conning
KKLD 2nd ed. Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary, 2013, Jack Halpern

Adobe Reader PDF Text COPY : kanji + furigana copied

漢字 · かんじ

Aule Kanji Pages · Kanji Recog Pages

The image below is of a PDF open in the latest Adobe Reader ; as you see, the text copy selection also grabs the furigana, producing slightly problematic results as plain text.

Web page copies tend to place the furigana in-line, which is even worse!

A typical result from Adobe Reader follows:

下界 の人の鬢のほつれ

Is the last item furigana or not?

Compare my Curl markup example in this blog post. The MIT Curl browser plugin is available at the Tokyo SCSK site.