Thursday, 24 July 2014

Henshall Heisig Conning Kodansha index

If you follow this blog you will know that I now have the pieces required to build a cross-index of Andrew Scott Conning's The Kodansha Kanji Learner's Course and the books by Heisig, Henshall or the Kodansha Essential Kanji ( which is the same set as Henshall.)

I will probably use a script in Cambridge MA ( MIT ) Curl ( now SCSK Curl of Tokyo ) to collate the CVS files built from EDICT or KanjiDic2.

Conning is already indexed against the new Halpern 2nd Ed. of his Kanji Learner's Dictionary at the level of the individual entries, as is Halpern against the full Kodansha Kanji Dictionary. Only the new Halpern provides Unicode values for the kanji. The new Halpern KLD entries have the index for an entry in the new KLC where one exists (42 of the KLC Kanji are not in the KLD, but it has 3002 to the 2300 in the KLC.)

When time permits,I will index these books against Minna no Nihongo, the Genki books and Japanese for Busy People ( kana editions.)

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